Red Ridge Farms


A peaceful respite from the everyday, Durant at Red Ridge Farms is a 135 acre oasis of agricultural crops, natural green space, and eclectic gardens.  Take a break from wine tasting to hike our nature trail or wander Penny Durant’s herb knot garden and rows of fragrant lavender.  



Located just outside the Red Ridge Farms Gift Shop, our knot garden is a nod to the formality and tradition of the gardens in the United Kingdom, and an homage to the relaxed warmth of the Mediterranean and the comfort of the Pacific Northwest. An enchanting space for a moment of calm.  



Reminiscent of iconic olive groves in Tuscany, our upper olive grove is a mix of Arbequina and Koroneiki olive trees. The orchard is located beside the Durant Olive Mill, where the olives are milled each fall during our spectacular Olio Nuovo Festival. 



Every June through July, our lavender fields provide an unparalleled delight. With their wide display of English and French lavender varieties, these fields are a must-see corner of the farm.  Consisting of 14+ varieties of lavender, we use the field’s blooms for our Durant Culinary Lavender, fresh lavender bouquets, and for special craft and gardening workshops in the summer months. Come experience this special moment at our annual Lavender Festival, the second week of July.



Established in 2018, the Durant Nature Trail is a moderate, one mile hike through vineyards, sheep pasture, old growth forest, lavender fields, olive groves and back to the main farm. Learn about Durant family history, our crops and our dedication to the preservation of Oregon’s natural resources. Open May-October during regular business hours.