16 Dec Chardonnay Pear & Ginger Marmalade
Chef's notes: this marmalade goes great with cheese! Spread over some fresh goat cheese or topped on warm brie; it will surely delight. It also holds for long periods in canning jars or in the fridge. Recipe courtesy of Sara Kundelius.

Mince pears and simmer in the Chardonnay until tender (you may need to add a touch water)
Pears will be tender, and you should have some reduced wine-cooking liquid left over
Measure out 5 cups of pear/chardonnay mixture and add to a 6-quart sauce pot
Add minced ginger and pectin, and bring to a boil
Add sugar all at once and bring to a boil
Boil for 1 minute
Pack clean hot jars (or cool and store in a large container)
Process jars for 5 minutes in boiling water for a good seal
Mince pears and simmer in the Chardonnay until tender (you may need to add a touch water)
Pears will be tender, and you should have some reduced wine-cooking liquid left over
Measure out 5 cups of pear/chardonnay mixture and add to a 6-quart sauce pot
Add minced ginger and pectin, and bring to a boil
Add sugar all at once and bring to a boil
Boil for 1 minute
Pack clean hot jars (or cool and store in a large container)
Process jars for 5 minutes in boiling water for a good seal