While the garden is still sleepy, invite life and activity back by feeding the birds! You will go home with several decorative feeders which you will be able to recreate year after year. We will be using natural materials, including berries, branches, dried fruits, nuts...

Take a piece of Durant home with you in our mounted staghorn fern garden workshop. We will be using grape wood from our very own vineyards as a base for our Staghorn mount. You will learn the basics of mounting epiphytic ferns and caring for...

This workshop is for our guests who have attended previous Durant Terrarium Workshops that still have their original glass vessels but could use a refresh of plants or materials. This refresh includes 3-2" plants and the opportunity to top off any materials use previously to...

With spring still in the distant future, satisfy your green thumb with our beloved terrarium workshop! Planting terrariums is one of the ways we enjoy playing with plants here at the farm, and bringing greenery into the home while the weather is gray and cold...